Monday, April 27, 2015

10 Ten Awesome Fact About Space You Must Know

Hello everyone, today I want to share some fact about space you must know it. You may think it is not that interesting right? but I'm sure you'll gonna be surprise about this fact. Without furthermore let's start with 10 fact about space that you may not know.

1. The Sun
of course
The Sun
As we know, the sun is freaking hot and surely you guys don't want to sit there. It's core the pressure and temperature can stack up to 15,000,000 degree Celsius(or 27,000,000 Fahrenheit). Here sunlight produce enough to bouncing around the solar interior for up to about 200,00 years it finally reached the surface to finally release into space, that long right?. Well at the surface of the sun is actually a lot cooler but still incredibly hot for around 5500 degree Celsius(or 10,000 Fahrenheit). Although even that hot sun researcher discover that at the surface of the sun they found water. The water is not in a liquid form of state but in a form of steam. 
More specificity the water was found in a slightly cooler region known as sunspot. Even that you still don't want live in that place thought.

2. Spacecraft(Rocket)

Spacecraft Taking Off

Come on it still related to space anyway so you know when the rocket take off of course the smoke make a mess around the area, but did you know that the smoke is not a smoke? Well some of it is but most of it is actually steam from a pool of water underneath of the spacecraft also known as Sound Suppression System.
Sound Suppression System
Overview of the system
     The water system is use to prevent orbiters and their payloads from being damaged by acoustical energy or shockwave, reflected from the platform during the lift off stage of a rocket launch. If this system wasn't created, basically the spacecraft will break apart.

3. Echoes From Space

There is a mysterious phenomenal call Long Delayed Echoes. What does it mean? Well for example if you in a large empty room when you talk or shouting, the sound you produce will reflect back by the surrounding creating an echo. The radio signal kinda works the same way for example the radio wave detect a moon, the signal will bounce back towards the earth and produce an echo 2.7 seconds later.
Basically how the radio signal works
Now the strange thing is researcher have send radio signal into space and heard echoes up to 40 second later, it's way beyond the moon. Right now no one really knows what causing the echoes but the most likely theories that the signal somehow trap in atmosphere before bouncing back toward the earth. Or maybe it's those aliens playing space pong with us (well not really).

4. Solar Storm

In September 1, 1895, an astronomer Richard Carrington was observing the sun and notice the enormous sunspot on one spot of the sun. After a while, he spotted a sudden explosion of light erupting out of the sunspot call as Solar Flare. What he saw was solving now as reffer to as Coronal Mass Ejection or CME for short. The most devastation effect of this solar super storm is that it can wipe out any electronic things. The earth is bombarded with electronic frame. But lucky for us sociality electrical frame work was in fluency, as not advance at that time and thus we don't really experience significant damage but still the event is powerful enough that it cause the telegram to catch fire while the aurora can be see across the globe.
Telegram in the late 18th 
Aurora cause by the solar wind

Imagine an event like this struck the earth today especially we now really depend on electricity. If the storm is strong enough it will cause serious damage on every electronic on earth and it will take years or even decades to recover everything. What's even scarier in 2012 this event almost happen, a CME was twice as strong from the early event but lucky for us at that time earth was opposite from the solar storm direction so you can relax for now, well maybe now. We'll never know when this storm will come back.

5. How far is our distance from the moon?

Have you ever experience at night when you were outside, you always thinking and wondering something and at that time you look at the moon. You notice how easily to see and close the moon is by just our naked eye even we know the moon is far from earth, well of course it's very far but how exactly far the moon is from earth? So let me compare by putting this.
Surprise right?
Just look at the image. Believe it or not from earth to the moon, the space we can fit between this two planet not just one planet, not two or three but a whole planet in the solar system side by side with just few thousand kilometre to spare. That just only between us and the freaking moon! How about other planet and beyond us? Even my self reading this is having a hard time to believe this fact is real.

6. This space is so empty

What I say in fact 5 is more than just that, another thing to tell is about is the vastness or emptiness of space is. The fact that the sun contains 99.85% of the total matter of our solar system that's mean there is insignificantly small amount of 0.135% of all planet including earth. That's just our solar system, imagine the whole galaxy you can count. That's a lots and lots of zeros.

7. Twilight Phenomena

When a rocket launch that take place between 30 to 60 minute before sunrise or sunset will produced a beautifully colourful effect call as the twilight phenomena. Awesome right?
Twilight Phenomena during before sunrise
This is cause by the unburned particles of missile or rocket propellant and water left in the vapour trail of a launch vehicle condenses, freezes and then expands in the less dense upper atmosphere. The exhaust plume, which is suspended against a dark sky is then illuminated by reflective high altitude sunlight, which produces a spectacular, colourful effect when seen at ground level. I wish I can see this for myself.

8. Saturn Hexagon?

Saturn's North Pole shape of a Hexagon
Went we all in school, We all know all planet were look like a round, circler and sphere shape. Even solar system and the entire galaxy were spinning around taking a shape like a disc. But in Saturn however at the north pole the cloud is shape of a Hexagon. The sides of the hexagon are about 13,800 km long, much bigger than the earth size of 12,700 km. However at the south pole there is no hexagon shape. This discovery was made by the Voyager mission in 1981. Some theorist is excise, but it still remain unexplained. Jupiter also possibility having similar shape only just they don't get a good photo of it. Will we ever see a hexagon planet? Well anyway it's still under researching.

9. Can Sound Travel Space?

As we all learn from school, sound cannot travel through vacuum. That mean sound cannot travel space because space is a vacuum, right? But what if I tell you this is not exactly true. Well, actually space was not a total vacuum it's often made out of it, space contain alots of particles, atoms and gases which sound can travel through but the particles is spread far away making it require an extremely sensitive microphone to get the sound travel through. But NASA manage to create one. Researchers used NASA's orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory to "listen" to wavelengths coming from the heart of the Perseus A Cluster, a giant clump of galaxies 250 million light-years from Earth. They found the pitch of the sound is about 57 octaves below middle C, which is roughly the middle of a standard piano keyboard. The tone frequency is more than a million, billion times deeper than the limits of the human ear.

10. The Truth about the billion star
A lower version of the Photo, Release in 5 January 2015
So finally at number ten, The photo above actual size is 69536 x 22230 pixel, a total of 1.5 Billions pixel, this photo is the largest photo of the galaxy ever taken. So what's so interest about this picture? Just watch this video and you'll surprise to see it.

From the video, the picture reveals that there are more stars, galaxy and planets that more than we actually see. It's countless when you think of it. This world is so infinitely huge but do you think we actually alone? No one will never knows.. until in the future.
You can download the actual size of the picture here

Went I thinking of it, this world is full of mysteries and undiscovered things that still remain far from a distance. How many star are there? Is there any living thing out there? Are we alone? Will we ever make contact with other creature beyond our planet? There are still many question on our mind but the answer is always there, is only just us will try to reach the answer we being looking for. Thank you for reading and hopefully you like this.

Credits: Top10Memes

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